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To enable storage, which is in Starter Kit to enable image and avatar uploads, set the environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_ENABLE_STORAGE to true. There are also a few other environment variables that need to be set. See the Required Environment Variables section for more details.

Starter Kit uses Cloudflare R2 as the storage layer, which is an AWS S3 compatible storage layer provided by Cloudflare.

SaaS setup

To set up Cloudflare R2, follow the steps below:

  1. Copy Account ID and create a bucket.
  2. Create API Token with edit access. (Warning: this api token applies to all buckets)
  3. Copy api key and secret
  4. Allow public edit access to the bucket
  5. Set custom domain for the bucket (optional for development)
  6. Set CORS to allow for your domain, and update AllowedHeaders to include content-type

Required environment variables

Set the following environment variables:

R2_ACCOUNT_IDYour Cloudflare Account ID
R2_BUCKET_NAMEYour Cloudflare Bucket Name
R2_SECRET_ACCESS_KEYR2 Secret Access Key
R2_PUBLIC_HOSTNAMEYour custom/dev public subdomain e.g.
R2_AVATARS_DIRECTORYThe subdirectory to store uploaded avatars in the R2 bucket R2_BUCKET_NAME.
R2_IMAGES_DIRECTORYThe subdirectory to store uploaded images in the R2 bucket R2_BUCKET_NAME.

Read more about how environment variables are validated and used in Environment Variables.