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Prisma is an ORM for TypeScript, that allows you to define your database schema and models in a schema.prisma file, and then generate a type-safe client that can be used to interact with your database from your backend.

Prisma Client

Located at src/server/prisma.ts, the Prisma Client is instantiated as a global variable (as recommended as best practice by the team at Prisma) and exported to be used in your API routes. We include the Prisma Client in Context by default and recommend using this instead of importing it separately in each file.


You will find the Prisma schema file at /prisma/schema.prisma. This file is where you define your database schema and models, and is used when generating the Prisma Client.

Default Database

The default database in this application uses Neon. You can change the database to use by changing the provider in the datasource to the database of your choice, and then updating the connection string within environment variables to point to your database.

Seeding your Database

Seeding your database is a great way to quickly populate your database with test data to help you get started. A seed.ts file (which currently does nothing) has already been created in this application in the /prisma directory. The db:seed script in package.json is configured to run this file when you run npm db:seed, or when you run npm run setup (which runs db:seed as part of the setup process).

"scripts": {
"db:seed": "prisma db seed"
"prisma": {
"seed": "tsx prisma/seed.ts"
import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client";

const prisma = new PrismaClient();

async function main() {
const id = "cl9ebqhxk00003b600tymydho";
await prisma.example.upsert({
where: {
create: {
update: {},

.then(async () => {
await prisma.$disconnect();
.catch(async (e) => {
await prisma.$disconnect();

Then, just run npm db:seed (or npm/yarn) to seed your database.

Useful Resources

Prisma Docs
Prisma GitHub
Prisma Migrate Playground
Database Connection Guide