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Environment variables

This application uses zod for validating environment variables at both runtime and buildtime by providing additional login in src/env.mjs and src/browserEnv.mjs.

Why .mjs?

This allows next.config.mjs to import the environment variables at runtime without going through a transpiler step, and throw an error if the current environment fails any validation.



If you want to add a new environment variable, you need to add it to both .env as well as define a validation in src/env.mjs.

This file is split into two main parts:

  1. the schema and object destructuring,
  2. as well as the validation logic. The validation logic should not need to be touched.
const client = z.object({
NEXT_PUBLIC_ENABLE_STORAGE: coerceBoolean.default('false'),
NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_NAME: z.string().default('Starter Kit'),
// ...

const server = z
NODE_ENV: z.enum(['development', 'test', 'production']),
DATABASE_URL: z.string().url(),
// ...
* Add on schemas as needed that requires conditional
* validation.
.merge(/** zod schema */)
* Add on refinements as needed for conditional environment
* variables
// .refine((val) => ...)

const processEnv = {
// Server-side env vars
NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV,
// Client-side env vars
// ...

Conditional validation

For the interested reader:

Advanced: Conditional validation

This application also has an example of conditional environment variable validation, where the environment variables required for storage layer capabilities (using R2) is only validated if the NEXT_PUBLIC_ENABLE_STORAGE flag is set to true.

// All optional keys, so that we can validate the flag first.
const baseR2Schema = z.object({
R2_ACCESS_KEY_ID: z.string().optional(),
R2_ACCOUNT_ID: z.string().optional(),
R2_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: z.string().optional(),
R2_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME: z.string().optional(),
R2_AVATARS_BUCKET_NAME: z.string().optional(),

// Use discriminated union to validate different schemas
// based on the NEXT_PUBLIC_ENABLE_STORAGE flag.
const r2ServerSchema = z.discriminatedUnion('NEXT_PUBLIC_ENABLE_STORAGE', [
* If the flag is enabled, then we require the keys.
// Add required keys if flag is enabled.
R2_ACCESS_KEY_ID: z.string().min(1),
R2_ACCOUNT_ID: z.string().min(1),
R2_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: z.string().min(1),
R2_PUBLIC_HOSTNAME: z.string().min(1),
* If the flag is disabled, then the base optional keys are
* not changed.

Having this discriminated union allows you to validate that certain environment variables are required based on the value of another environment variable, using zod#refine:

const server = z
.object({/** ... */})
// Add on schemas as needed that requires conditional validation.
.refine((val) => r2ServerSchema.safeParse(val).success, {
message: 'R2 environment variables are missing',

Server schema

Define your server-side environment variables schema here.

Make sure you do not prefix keys here with NEXT_PUBLIC in order not to leak important secrets to the client.

Client schema

Define your client-side environment variables schema here.

To expose them to the client you need to prefix them with NEXT_PUBLIC. Validation will fail if you don't to help you detect invalid configuration.

processEnv object

Destruct the process.env here.

If the environment variables are not explicitly declared in process.env, NextJS will not include them in the build, which will cause the variables to be undefined during runtime.

TypeScript will help you make sure that you have destructed all the keys from both schemas via inference.

Validation Logic

For the interested reader:

Advanced: Validation logic

Depending on the environment (server or client) we validate either both or just the client schema. This means that even though the server environment variables will be undefined, they won't trigger the validation to fail - meaning we can have a single entrypoint for our environment variables.

const isServer = typeof window === "undefined";

const merged = server.merge(client);
const parsed = isServer
? merged.safeParse(processEnv) // <-- on server, validate all
: client.safeParse(processEnv); // <-- on client, validate only client

if (parsed.success === false) {
"❌ Invalid environment variables:\n",
throw new Error("Invalid environment variables");

Then, we use a proxy object to throw errors if you try to access a server-side environment variable on the client.

// proxy allows us to remap the getters
export const env = new Proxy(, {
get(target, prop) {
if (typeof prop !== "string") return undefined;
// on the client we only allow NEXT_PUBLIC_ variables
if (!isServer && !prop.startsWith("NEXT_PUBLIC_"))
throw new Error(
"❌ Attempted to access serverside environment variable on the client",
return target[prop]; // <-- otherwise, return the value

Using Environment Variables

When you want to use your environment variables, you can import them from env.mjs and use them as you would normally do. If you import this on the client and try accessing a server-side environment variable, you will get a runtime error.

import { env } from "~/env.mjs";

// `env` is fully typesafe and provides autocompletion
const dbUrl = env.DATABASE_URL;
import { env } from "~/env.mjs";

// ❌ This will throw a runtime error
const dbUrl = env.DATABASE_URL;

// ✅ This is fine
const appName = env.NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_NAME;


Since the default .env file is not committed to version control, we have also included a .env.example file, in which you can optionally keep a copy of your .env file with any secrets removed. This is not required, but we recommend keeping the example up to date to make it as easy as possible for contributors to get started with their environment.

Some frameworks and build tools, like Next.js, suggest that you store secrets in a .env.local file and commit .env files to your project. This is not recommended, as it could make it easy to accidentally commit secrets to your project. Instead, we recommend that you store secrets in .env, keep your .env file in your .gitignore and only commit .env.example files to your project.


There is also an env.test file to store test-specific environment variables separate from your .env file. This file will be commited to version control, so you can keep your test environment variables in sync with your team. See Testing for more information.

Adding Environment Variables

To ensure your build never completes without the environment variables the project needs, you will need to add new environment variables in two locations:

📄 .env: Enter your environment variable like you would normally do in a .env file, i.e. KEY=VALUE

📄 env.mjs: Add the appropriate validation logic for the environment variable by defining a Zod schema, e.g. KEY: z.string(), and destruct the environment variable from process.env in the processEnv object, e.g. KEY: process.env.KEY.

Optionally, you can also keep .env.example updated:

📄 .env.example: Enter your environment variable, but be sure to not include the value if it is secret, i.e. KEY=VALUE or KEY=


I want to add my Twitter API Token as a server-side environment variable

  1. Add the environment variable to .env:
  1. Add the environment variable to env.mjs:
export const server = z.object({
// ...
TWITTER_API_TOKEN: z.string(),

export const processEnv = {
// ...

An empty string is still a string, so z.string() will accept an empty string as a valid value. If you want to make sure that the environment variable is not empty, you can use z.string().min(1).

  1. Optional: Add the environment variable to .env.example, but don't include the token