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Suspense Usage

Usage of React's default Suspense component will cause problems for queries which rely on Next's router instance to extract a query parameter. For more context, please view this PR here

To have Suspense usage, please import the custom Suspense component from the /components directory.

This component is just a thin wrapper around Suspense and exposes the same set of properties. For more information on Suspense, please refer to the official react docs here.

Example usage with trpc

In the example below, when the Post component is retrieving post of id 1, the fallback component specified in the fallback property containing loading... will render.

Once the post has been retrieved, the component will stop suspending and render the post's title.

import Suspense from "~/components/Suspense/Suspense";

const Dashboard = () => {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<p>loading...</p>}>
<Post />

const Post = () => {
// instead of `useQuery`, use the `useSuspenseQuery` hook here
const [post] =;

return <p>{post.title}</p>;

ErrorBoundary usage

A custom ErrorBoundary component is partially implemented to serve as a starting-point for handling different TRPCClientErrors.

Currently, only the NOT_FOUND error conditionally renders a different component and all other errors will fallback to display an UnexpectedErrorCard.

To extend its usage to support other codes, simply add to the switch case statement of ErrorComponent to conditionally render the components according to the TRPCErrors received.

Overriding all defaults

You may override the component to render when errors are faced by using the fallback prop.

Example Usage of ErrorBoundary + Suspense

In the example below, imagine retrieving post by an id of -1 will throw a new TRPCError({ code: 'NOT_FOUND' }) error.

The component will stop suspending, then conditionally render the component in the switch case block of ErrorComponent which matches the NOT_FOUND case.

import Suspense from "~/components/Suspense/Suspense";
import ErrorBoundary from "~/components/ErrorBoundary/ErrorBoundary";

const Dashboard = () => {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<p>loading...</p>}>
<Post />

const Post = () => {
// this throws a TRPCError of `NOT_FOUND`
const [post] =;

return <p>{post.title}</p>;