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Next.js is a backend framework for your React applications.

Why should I use it?

Pairing Next.js with Vercel makes developing and deploying web apps easier than ever before. Their extremely generous free-tier and super intuitive interface provides a point and click solution to deploy your site.

Get Static/Server Props

A key feature of Next.js is its data fetching capabilities. We highly recommend reading through the official documentation to understand how to use each method and how they differ. getServerSideProps is generally discouraged unless there is a good reason for it, due to the fact that it is a blocking call and will slow down your site. Incremental Static Regeneration is a great alternative to getServerSideProps when the data is dynamic and can be fetched incrementally.

Useful Resources

Next.js Documentation
Next.js GitHub
Next.js Blog
Next.js Discord
Next.js Twitter
Vercel/Next.js YouTube Channel